I have endometriosis and I get extremely painful periods to the point of throwing up. I was unable to go to work or really do anything except sit in bed on the first day of my period and I would throw up several times.
I had a consultation with Liberty and started steaming awhile ago and after about 2 months of steaming my period began to improve and after three months I was able to leave the house on my period and function normally.
I did end up getting ACL reconstruction surgery shortly after this and was unable to steam for awhile. My first two periods after surgery were very painful but I was able to get back into steaming the second month out of surgery and by my third period out of surgery I was pain free.
Steaming has helped me be able to make plans and work on my period and not get anxiety leading up to my period and experience extreme pain during my period.
I pair steaming with other lifestyle changes such as castor oil packs, healthy mentallity and healthy eating to help improve my endometriosis symptoms.”
Christine S, a real-life superwoman